Paris Jackson Promotes Body Image With Topless Pic

Paris Jackson is letting it all hang out in the name of body positive images. Michael Jackson's youngest daughter posted the pic to Instagram.  "Comfortable in my rolls. f**k with me," Paris has always been an advocate for female empowerment. Check out this clip from a recent interview on VICE

What does beauty mean to you? Beauty is not measured by numbers, or symmetry, or shapes, or sizes, or colors, or anything like that. Beauty, true beauty, should be measured by the soul, the character, integrity, intentions, and mindset of a person, what comes out of their mouth. How they behave. Their heart.

I think it's all comes down to changing the representation of women and beauty and embracing diversity in the mainstream… Of course. That's ma goallll.

How are you gonna go about doing that? Definitely to talk about it and spread the word, but also to set an example I guess. I'm not symmetrical, I'm not a size zero, I eat hella burgers and endless amounts of pizza. I can't fit into a runway sample size of designer clothes, I have scars and stretch marks and acne and I have cellulite. I'm human. Not a dress-up doll. The idea that we all have to fit one idea of beauty is outrageous and ridiculous because "perfection" is just an opinion.


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